About Me

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Midwest, United States
I am a first-born female over age 60. I am middle class, and have a graduate degree in Business. I have over 28 continuous years in recovery from alcoholism. I have been in Borderline treatment for over 14 years. I still have not reached full-time Serenity, but I have continued to survive this disorder using distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. These are the 4 components of the DBT Skills as devised by Dr. Marsha Linehan. Email me with any questions at amy@alawebpages.com. Many thanks and blessings for sharing my interest and broadening your awareness of this disorder.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Growth Spurt This Summer of 2012

Good mid-August !  It's been hot, hot, hot in the Midwest.  It has been so hot, the grass was yellow and dry....until we finally got some soaking rains...and the grass returned to green.  I never thought it could after all the dry heat!

I have made great strides in my recovery...with the help of Al-Anon.  I am learning to set boundaries with my Borderline mother.  Yep!  Borderline CAN get worse with age if untreated, and still cause as much damage.  Mix in a little dementia and then more tumultuous misunderstanding occurs.  Is her behavior because of her age, or the Borderline behavior that you have lived with and adopted all your own life?  Hmmmm.  Dunno.

I have said "no", and meant "no".   NO explanations.  No justifications.  Instead of catering to her whims, I make life a little easier for me when taking care of her problems and dealing with her behavior.

Oh, and surrounding myself with affirming, recovering people.  It has done wonders for me.  I have come into more and more self-realization:  I may be a Borderline, but I am using tools and skills that make my life easier, and relationships are getting easier for me.

Twleve-Step Recovery.  Dual-diagnosis recovery.  Borderline DBT.  Meditation.  They all are to be commended for what they have taught me about myself, Life, people, and becoming a better person.

As my sponsors say:  "Yay Me!"   It works if you work it.

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