About Me

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Midwest, United States
I am a first-born female over age 60. I am middle class, and have a graduate degree in Business. I have over 28 continuous years in recovery from alcoholism. I have been in Borderline treatment for over 14 years. I still have not reached full-time Serenity, but I have continued to survive this disorder using distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. These are the 4 components of the DBT Skills as devised by Dr. Marsha Linehan. Email me with any questions at amy@alawebpages.com. Many thanks and blessings for sharing my interest and broadening your awareness of this disorder.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

BPD is Still a Part of Me

Hello, this is a wintry, cold afternoon in the Midwest. A long interlude has transpired since I last posted. Life happens. Sometimes not so good. But some very good things, too. I published my second book, "Destiny of Detours" on October 31, 2017.

I am trying to keep my spirits up. It's that time of year that can often get me, addicts, Borderlines, or anyone into a funk. This year....I am doing EVERYTHING to keep that from happening. Maybe it's overkill....but it cannot hurt. I try to stay busy. I have been involved in the planning committee for an Al-Anon workshop in on SELF-CARE. Planning took place over 4 months, and the workshop was held the last weekend of October. It was a fund-raiser, and we raised about $1,000 bucks for Information Services (Literature). YAY us!

I am going to AA and Al-Anon meetings. I am meeting with sponsees and working the 12 steps of recovery with them. I hold a weekly meditation group in my home and have since March 2015. I workout at a gym 6-days a week, yet sadly I do not have a body like Miss America--but it helps the heart and arthritis and stamina. I adhere to a diet that my doctor has been adamant about me staying on. No sugar. No wheat. No gluten. That just about takes all the fun out of my eating ANYTHING I get pleasure in. This has been extremely difficult for me. However, I border on being diabetic....and have successfully worked myself out of the danger-zone into barely having Type II diabetes.

I am taking a workshop in "Healing the Child Within." It can be gut-wrenching.....digging out all those old skeletons encountered at a young age. I try, REALLY TRY to use the DBT Skills I learned in 2004-6 in managing my Borderline Personality Disorder. I don't do things perfectly, and I sometimes relapse in my behavior. It is an insidious disorder. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. (But in being honest, I might. It would serve them right). 
I continue to work on the Webquest I designed, uploaded and maintain on Borderline Personality Disorder. It is a huge site, and very complete. I try to stay up on the latest information and books published on this disorder. "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" is an excellent introductory book for those who are new to this personality disorder phenomena.

All in all....I am probably doing better than I have in a long, long time. I have attended life-saving Al-Anon meetings for over 6.5 years. This has saved my life and my sanity.

I am blessed and grateful today.

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