About Me

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Midwest, United States
I am a first-born female over age 60. I am middle class, and have a graduate degree in Business. I have over 28 continuous years in recovery from alcoholism. I have been in Borderline treatment for over 14 years. I still have not reached full-time Serenity, but I have continued to survive this disorder using distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. These are the 4 components of the DBT Skills as devised by Dr. Marsha Linehan. Email me with any questions at amy@alawebpages.com. Many thanks and blessings for sharing my interest and broadening your awareness of this disorder.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011


"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems......" (from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous). I found out last week that my DBT instructor is leaving the company where I receive mental health services. Supposedly, they are going to replace him. But, that's what they said about the DBT therapist who retired last July 2010...and didn't. "People lie," says Dr. Gregory House from the TV series. Even non-Borderlines.
Also, am doing a 4th step this week in preparation of giving a 5th Step to my sponsor next Friday. This is also a bit unnerving as well. I went to a funeral Friday, and saw in-laws from over 20 years ago. THAT was a bit unnerving too, but it went well. I found out a few days ago that my (unknowing and unintentional) actions caused a breach of confidentiality. Boy, that realization was a bit humbling. I had to write a letter and apologize to the person involved.

Life happens. We have choices. We make mistakes. We decide to recover from addictions. Or not. We look closely at ourselves to see where we have been wrong. I didn't drink, spaz-out, have a Borderline "moment" or cut myself. I seemed to take it all in stride. Thank the Lord we only are dealt the days of our lives "one day at a time." I couldn't handle all the trauma-drama at once.

Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, it will be sane, sober and above ground.

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