About Me

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Midwest, United States
I am a first-born female over age 60. I am middle class, and have a graduate degree in Business. I have over 28 continuous years in recovery from alcoholism. I have been in Borderline treatment for over 14 years. I still have not reached full-time Serenity, but I have continued to survive this disorder using distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. These are the 4 components of the DBT Skills as devised by Dr. Marsha Linehan. Email me with any questions at amy@alawebpages.com. Many thanks and blessings for sharing my interest and broadening your awareness of this disorder.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's a little bit me......

Good morning.  It's a pretty day in the Midwest.  I have been emotionally limping along...trying to put my best foot forward, not rage, be of service, and get thru this lawsuit.  I still am amazed at the evil in mankind, and what people can do to each other....even in a family setting. 

I have been attending Al-Anon now for a year.  It has helped me trmendously.  I have met some wonderful people, and am learning new behaviors.  I am very grateful today for what I have, and what I have learned and experienced up to this point.  It has kept me on an enlightened path of patience, tolerance and kindness to others.

I continue to marvel at the inroads and awareness given to Borderline Personality Disorder in recent years.  It is not swept under the rug, nor whispered about behind closed doors.  I have a new meditation book that was published in November 2011.  It is now offered in two treatment centers in Indiana.

I am blessed.  I want to continue growing spiritually.  I have a lot of help.  I call them angels.   Blessings.

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